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The world's only
 Short-form video 
competition platform

Show+ auditions open to anyone
Upload your own videos to win prizes and fame

What Show+ does


Show+ creators can monetize their videos
through video-based auditions.
멋진 카메라

Users can sponsor the content they like or have
a high probability of winning among the

audition videos with Star Candy.
케이팝 팬클럽

Show+ Anyone can become a professional creator.
Users can freely create and upload content in any field.
쇼플러스 이미지
The world's only video competition platform

Challenge yourself to win prizes with
 Songs, dances, parodies, food, and fashion 

In 2025, we are planning to expand the
schedule to global auditions for each continent.
In addition to domestic competitions, we are also looking for
creators from all over Asia and super concerts.

Donate with Starcandy

See what's popular
매월 총상금 천만원!! 커버스타 2021프리시즌 라운드3 최종결과 발표

매월 총상금 천만원!! 커버스타 2021프리시즌 라운드3 최종결과 발표

삼스타(1팀)(100만원) 뚱생줄북 - 크러쉬(Oasis) 사스타(2팀)(50만원) 강성재 - 그때 헤어지면 돼(로이킴) 전기수 - 형(노라조) 오스타(2팀)(30만원) 손은숙 - 거문고야(송가인) 손명수 - 잊었니(이승철) 육스타(20팀)(10만원) 오드리할뻔(Audrey Harbburn) - Kiss and say goodbye(The manhattans) 오씰(밴드) - My universe(BTS&Cold play) 조익형 - 진혼(야다) 김준성 - 초점(김범수) 릴민 - 부디(심규선) 조수영 - 할무니(김호중) 홍수필 - 미워하지 않으리(홍수필) 이상아 - Social(Ashton Edminster) 곽정윤 - 어떻게 지내(Crush) 최훈 - 애증의 강(김재희) 이선호 - 형(노라조) 장혜정 - Mood indigo(Cheeze) 현준호 - Make you feel my love(Bob dylan) 케이지니 - 처음 느낌 그대로(이소라) 김여진 - City of stars(Ryan Gosling & Emma Stone) 민혁잇쏭 - 언제쯤이면(윤현상 with 아이유) 박진현 - 이제 나만 믿어요(임영웅) 박지은 - Dear(Mad Soul Child) 조용준 - 도망가자(선우정아) 정용석 - 고맙소(조향조) 칠스타(31팀)(5만원) 구윤희 - 별(유미) 리양 - Bad guy(Billie Eillish) 유한슬 - 슈퍼그랑죠OST 홍익대학교 기계과 밴드부 MUS - 박하사탕(윤도현밴드) 왕기정 - Peaches(Justin Bieber) 김예지 - Defying gravity(Idina Menzel) 임동재 - Stay here(임동재) 김미정 - 아버지(인순이) 최창호 - 넌 할 수 있어(강산에) 이승훈 - 천년의 사랑(박완규) 정태양 - 비와 당신(이무진, 슬기로운의사생활 ost) 조준호 - 유리의 성(K2) 롱아일랜드 - Next level(에스파) 김익선 - 고백(정준일) 성대원 - To hell with the devil(Stryper) 이쁜바쮸Music - 별(유미) jy18 - 그대라는 사치(한동근) bk - 소유하지 않은 사랑(K2김성면) 쏘양 - 초혼(장윤정) 김수곤 - 야뇌(BMK) 한승진 - 회상(김성호) 김찬우(래노) - 묘해, 너와(어쿠스틱콜라보) 박수민 - 한번만 더(나얼) 현대인 - 그대라는 사치(한동근) 도윤걸 - 가을을 남기고 간 사랑(패티김) 정해원 - 도망가자(선우정아) 서기혁 - 님이여(정의송) 염현태 - 그녀의 남자에게(김종국) 박기환 - 첫눈처럼 너에게 가겠다(김범수) 네트라움 - 부처님 오신 날에 만난 기독교 그녀(형돈이와 대준이) 이명수 - 취기를 빌려(새봄x이민혁) 아차상(2팀)(20만원) 장호성 - I decide(헤리티지) 강지완 - Someone you loved(Lewis Capaldi) 총상금 1,000만원에서 수상금을 제외한 금액은 어려운 이웃을 돕기위한 기부금으로 사용됩니다. 커버스타 2021 프리시즌 Round3 에 참여해주신 모든 분들께 진심으로 감사드립니다. #커버스타 #온라인오디션 #총상금천만원


  • Are there any conditions for participation?
    Show+ is the world's first video-based open competition service. Anyone can participate, and you can challenge yourself with your own content.
  • How do I sign up for the service?
    You can download ShowPlus from the Play Store or App Store, install it, and sign up.
  • What are the different types of competitions?
    The competition takes place on a variety of topics, including songs, dances, gags, situational plays, and everyday life. If you have any other fun contest topics, please let us know.
  • How do I apply for an audition?
    Click on the Audition menu at the bottom of the app and select the competition you want to participate in. Upload the video to your smartphone and you're done!
  • What is the prize distribution?
    We sponsor your favorite content or content that you think has a high chance of winning with pre-purchased star candy. For each contest, 10% of the sponsorship money will be paid to the creator and 50% will be paid as prize money(The exact figures will depend on the contest rules for that contest.), and the creator will decide in advance the distribution rate of the prize money that he or she will receive if he or she wins.
  • Can users earn money?
    If the content you sponsored wins, you will receive a share of the prize money. Users can support as fans by writing comments, liking, inviting friends, and promoting the content they sponsored.
What's Next


Official launch in Korea

1. Official launch of Show+ service in Korea
2. Show+ available in English, Japanese, Chinese, and Spanish
3. Opened Show+Talk social SNS service
4. Show+ official website renewed


Continental Contest Begins

1. Show+Talk Metaverse Version Trial Service
2. Launched Show+Lamp (e-commerce) pilot service
3. Show+ 1st Continental Contest Begins
4. Show+ 1st Global Contest Begins
The CI of Show+' consists of a combination of the word
"Show+" and the symbol mark "Life Lens."

The Life Lens means that the large circle on the outside is the Earth,

the curved shape inside is the ascending and descending of life, and

the innermost hexagon is the camera lens, which means that our life is

a drama, or "life is a show."


Life is a show where you are the writer and the protagonist, and you

write the script, star, and play supporting roles. Therefore, how you live

your life meaningfully is a choice you make.


Shinlee Co., Ltd. has created a CI that embodies this philosophy

as a company that emphasizes independence and ethics and tries to

protect the interests of the community rather than the private

interests of individuals.


In addition, the slogan "Adding Fun to Your Show" is an easy

translation of "Adding meaning to life".

Global version LOGO
쇼플러스 지도


15th Floor, 24, Yeoui-daero, Yeongdeungpo-gu, Seoul, Republic of Korea

쇼플러스 오시는길


1st Floor, 524, Seolleung-ro, Gangnam-gu, Seoul, Republic of Korea

쇼플러스 메일주소

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